Date I Joined
January 2017
Why I joined
The reason was because my youngest daughter was getting married in the July of that year. I wanted to loose weight and feel good about myself. I was fed up with the way I was feeling and I lacked confidence, I'd read so much about how lifting weights could change your body and help you get in shape...
My confidence is booming right now I'm also in a great place in mind and body and I'm living proof that if your consistent then you will reap the rewards and lifting weights does change your body shape...
Type of consumer
I do early morning bootcamp, flex and HiiT class, and I've done 9 months of personal training, I also pop into the gym when I get some free time, Andre also puts on fevo 4hr special events which I've attended.
Goals and objectives
This year is Fitbod 2019 down at FEVO which started in January, my goal is to re-look at my nutrition with the help of my instructor and to step up the exercise which I've managed with the extra classes that have been put on.
I've also entered the London2Brighton ultra challenge 100km this year, this is one of the biggest challenges I've ever set myself.
What I like about the gym
I love the friendliness that greets me when I enter the gym, the banter and support I get. If I'm unsure how to use a machine or I need someone to spot me there is always help on hand either instructors or gym members. I'm known as DA or Debbie allen I love it and it makes me chuckle.
Take home message
Fevo has helped me gain confidence, loose weight, inches and my body shape has totally changed for the better.
I've made loads of friends through bootcamp and other classes, I pursued into having some personal training which I absolutely loved in fact 9 months worth, I know how to lift properly without sustaining an injury and I have the confidence to walk through the gym on my own and do my own workout.
So glad I walked through those doors and joined the evo bootcamp.
Debbie Allen

Date I Joined
August 2014
Why I joined
I had been training under Andre’s tutelage for a number of years while he was working at Nuffield Health. When he mentioned that he was setting up his own gym, it was a no-brainer for me to move across with him to Fevo to continue our work together.
Type of consumer
Firstly, I consider myself a gym member. Having said that, I have dabbled in some bootcamps and personal training.
Goals and objectives
I am currently training for two events; a half iron-man and the Turf Games (a functional fitness event). Alongside that, I just enjoy keeping fit and active. I play cricket for Andover CC and have enjoyed the sessions that Fevo have put on for the club there.
What I like about the gym
I like the supportive and healthy atmosphere that you get when you step inside Fevo. There’s always someone friendly to help you with any questions or queries, or to throw a workout or challenge in your direction. Equally, you can be left alone to get on with your own thing if you prefer. It is a flexible, dynamic and fun environment to train in, with new kit arriving all the time to keep things interesting.
Take home message
Fevo can cater for your whole fitness journey; it is suitable for all-comers. Whilst the boot-camps are a great entry point, the gym also enables you to develop your technique, programming and, of course, your fitness.